Motorized Barley Crusher - Larger and More Pictures
I eventually changed to all grain brewing (well okay after 2 batches) because I wasn't close to happy with the quality of my extract beers to that point. Shortly after doing so I began buying malt in large 50-55 pound sacks. The nearest homebrew store is and hour and a half or more away. I needed my own mill. After doing some research I decided to bet a Barley Crusher MaltMill. I also really liked the looks of CrankandStein products but thought they were too much and would be overkill. I also liked the barley crusher was ready to sit on a bucket out of the box and could be crank or drill driven. After a few batches of beers with large grain bills I decided I was tired of the sore shoulder the next day or my cordless drill not being charged or running dead during milling. I needed a motor. Plus gadgets are fun.
I decided on the "Beefy Bodine" motor from American Science Surplus. Its was already geared for the right speed so I could direct drive it and not need to use pulleys. If I used pulleys I'd want to enclose them for safety and the less wood working I had to do the better. Using a table design where a bucket could sit underneath to catch the grist would be the idea design to me. However apartment dwelling might always be a necessity for me so I decided to mount it on a board to keep it portable and easily storable.

Cost Breakdown
Part | Price | Quantity | Supplier | Part Number |
Barley Crusher MaltMill 7# Capacity | 105.00 | 1 | BarleyCrusher | N/A |
Beefy Bodine 1/3HP 180RPM Motor | 29.50 | 1 | American Science and Surplus | 34580 |
45 MFD 370 VAC Run Capacitor | 5.99 | 1 | Surplus Center | 221203 |
3/8" L-050 Lovejoy Half | 2.19 | 1 | Surplus Center | 1-1228 |
5/8" L-050 Lovejoy Half | 2.19 | 1 | Surplus Center | 1-1230 |
Buna-n Insert for L-050 Lovejoy Coupling | 1.40 | 1 | Surplus Center | 1-1231 |
Bike Hanger | 1.10 | 2 | Ace Hardware | N/A |
Electrical Box | .82 | 1 | WalMart | N/A |
Switch Plate | .50 | 1 | WalMart | N/A |
1-way switch | .70 | 1 | WalMart | N/A |
3-way switch | 1.10 | 1 | WalMart | N/A |
25' 16ga outdoor extension cord | 4.20 | 1 | WalMart | N/A |
Misc. Nuts/Bolts/Brackets/Wood | 4.00 | 1 | Ace Hardware | N/A |
Pre Shipping Total: | 159.79 | |||
Shipping/Taxes Charges: | 37.43 | |||
Grand Total: | 197.22 |